May 7, 2010
Dear Members,
The most important day wherein we have to vote for our new leaders who will be serving the interests of our country and its people is already fast-approaching.
Three days from now is elections time. And we want to encourage you all to exercise your right to suffrage and help shape a good future for every Filipino.
Below are some helpful guidelines for you to observe to make sure that your vote will be effectively counted:
Source: Email share
1. Bring an ID (Voter's ID is the best). You must know your precinct number and your sequence number-- the number beside your name.
2. The ballot is very sensitive to marks, ink, sweat, stains, scratches, folds, sweat, and water. So keep you hands very clean before voting. The "Ballot Secrecy Folder" will help reduce the actual handling of the ballot with your hands.
3. Shade the egg-shaped hole beside your chosen candidate fully and try not to go beyond the lines, using the marker that is given to you. Do not check, underline or place an X/dot or half-shade it as the PCOS machine will not read it.
4. Each ballot has a barcode. If this is marked, even scratched, the ballot will be spoiled. If anyone else handles the ballot, watch them well, in case they intentionally scratch the barcode with a fingernail to prevent your ballot from being counted. Report such incident to the Board of Election Inspectors.
5. You will have four (4) tries to put your ballot through the PCOS machine. You can put it in forward, backward, front side up, back side up, whichever, but only four tries.
6. You will get one chance to have your ballot changed if you don't like it. That's when they first hand it to you. Inspect it right away. If you see any folds, scratches, or marks, you can ask for a new one.
7. Bring a list of your chosen candidates on a piece of paper so that you won't spend too much time filling out the ballot. Each voter is given only 20 minutes to do so.
8. Watch the readout on the PCOS machine when you insert your ballot into it. If successful, it will say, "Congratulations! Your ballot has been scanned." If not, it'll say why e.g. improper shading, etc. Get the "Congratulations" message before leaving to make sure your vote is counted. The PCOS unit will print out the votes in what looks like a very long cash register receipt.
9. Your ballot will only be readable by one specific PCOS Unit since it's pre-registered. When you are ready, line up at the designated machine.
10. Polls open on May 10, 2010, at 6 a.m. and end at 6 p.m.
11. You should vote only the exact number you should vote for. So, vote for only 1 president, 1 vice president, 12 senators, 1 party list, 1 mayor, 1 vice mayor, 1 member of the House of Representatives, etc. (the limit will be there on your ballot as a "Vote for not more than____"). If you vote for more than the stipulated number, that particular portion of the ballot is spoiled. You may, however, vote for less in case you can't find 12 worthy senatoriables to vote for.
12. Don't make mistakes, otherwise, you will spoil your ballot.
We hope that you find these tips useful. GO OUT AND VOTE ON MAY 10! Long live the Philippines!
Praying for peaceful, orderly and honest elections, we remain
Sincerely yours,
Executive Director President