Sendong Action Plan

In order for business to get back on its feet after the devastation made by typhoon Sendong, your Chamber-- the Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation, Inc. (OROCHAMBER) is now moving forward in mobilizing private and government sector support for the much needed economic recovery , rehabilitation  and resettlement of affected families. 
For 2012, your Chamber intends to pursue four  major programs in response to city’s  rehabilitation programs : 
  1. Business development  assistance to member SMEs thru various bridge financing schemes ,
Senior expert services, trade and market  linkages from local and foreign partner Chambers
Technical and management trainings , and most of all streamlining business processing of local permits and taxes;
  1. Advocacy on corporate responsibility along environmental protection,  disaster preparedness,  and investment for additional  power generating facilities; 
  2. Work with national, local  and international agencies in fast tracking the reconstruction of major infrastructure projects damaged by Typhoon Sendong such as river embankment/ flood control projects, repair/maintenance of bridges, repair of the water and electric distribution systems , and  most of all  installation of warning systems  and devices along the riverbanks. The need to  update the land use development  plan of the city is also very vital at this point in time. 
  3. Campaign for private sector support in the planning , designing, and implementation of a comprehensive community development program on the relocation sites that will be established.
In the succeeding months,  your  Chamber will be organizing several  dialogues with local authorities,  national government agencies ,  and international donor institutions   to jump start the necessary reforms and rehabilitation process. 
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